Register Green
We are grassroots activists, environmentalists, advocates for social justice, nonviolent resisters and regular citizens who’ve had enough of corporate-dominated politics. Government must be part of the solution, but when it’s controlled by the 1%, it’s part of the problem. The longer we wait for change, the harder it gets. Don’t stay home on election day. Vote Green!
Registering Green makes a clear and effective political statement. The more people who register Green, the stronger the Green Party will be, and the more all parties will take Green issues and Green voters seriously. Registering Green also helps the Green Party retain ballot access.
Most states have voter registration forms and some don’t. Call your State Board of Elections for a voter registration form and they will mail you one. If they don’t have none, contact your state Green Party for assistance to register Green. Voter Registration forms are also available at U.S. Post Offices, Public Libraries, Department of Motor Vehicles and many other government offices.
Run For Office As A Green
Greens are known for “thinking globally and running locally.” There are currently hundreds of elected Greens nationwide. To run for public office as a Green yourself, follow the steps below and contact your state Green Party.
Step #1: Identify the offices available to run for in your area. You can run for office on the municipal, county, state or federal level. To find the municipal, county, state and federal races in your area, check with the registrar’s or board of elections office in your county.
Step #2: Access your skills and experience. What office best suits you, your skills, experience and interests? What does the Green Party Platform in your state have to say about the issues you would be running on? How much do you feel in alignment with your state’s platform?
Step #3: Talk to and seek endorsements from your friends, colleagues and local Green Party leaders. To run a successful campaign, it helps to have a record of prior involvement in the community as well as the support of friends and family, Greens and others active in politics. Seek advise from other Greens in your area who have run for office. Get input, seek support from local Green Party leaders and the endorsement of the Green Party county organizations in the area in which you are running. State Green Parties also awards campaign support funds to candidates endorsed by their county Green Party, based upon a criteria and questionnaire.
Step #4: Make sure you meet the deadline for filing for office. Each office has its own deadline for taking out nomination signature petitions and for handing them in. Check with the County Registrar’s office or the County Board of Elections office to learn the deadline for the office you are interested in.
Already running for office? Fantastic! Send us your campaign information. We will add it to the GPUS Candidate Database where Greens nationwide will see it and give you more exposure.
Want To Help Grow The Latinx Caucus of GPUS?
If you have a Green vision for our Latinx communities, join us.
Contact Us
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]
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