



GPUS: Green Party of the United States

GPNC: Green Party National Committee

LATINX: Latinx Caucus of the GPUS

SC: Latinx Caucus Steering Committee

MEMBER: Member of the Latinx Caucus of the Green Party of the U.S.


1.1 The purpose of the Latinx Caucus is to give Latinx a strong voice in Green Party affairs and to encourage Latinx to participate in all levels of electoral politics in the United States and its Colonies.


2.1 The mission of the Latinx Caucus is to encourage Latinx to join and participate in the Green Party of the U.S (GPUS). Latinx are the fastest growing block of U.S voters but most do not know what the GPUS is or that they are welcome. The Green Party must reach out to them, offering them a real voice in the Green Party and opportunities in local, regional and national politics in the United States and its Colonies.

2.2 The participation in elections in the U.S Colonies should emphasize their independence. We should treat all U.S Colonies as foreign NATIONS under occupation by the United States.


3.1 We will use the Ten Key Values of the GPUS as Guiding principles:

1. Grassroots Democracy.

2. Social Justice and Equality Opportunity.

3. Ecological Wisdom.

4. Non-Violence.

5. Decentralization.

6. Community-Based Economics.

7. Feminism and Gender Equality.

8. Respect for Diversity.

9. Personal and Global Responsibility.

10. Future Focus and Sustainability.

3.2 We will use the Platform of the GPUS to guide our actions and we will help to shape it.

3.3 We will support national candidates selected at GPUS nominating conventions.

3.4 Latinx Caucus membership goals include diversity and inclusion representing different genders, sexual orientations, religious beliefs and nationalities in the United States and its Colonies.


4.1 Membership in the Latinx Caucus shall be open to any person who is of Latino or Hispanic origin living in the United, that supports the mission of the Latinx Caucus and is not a member of any political party other than the Green Party.

4.2 The nomination and election of Officers to the SC and/or Committees shall be limited to members who are recognized as registered Greens by whatever process used by their State Green Party or Colony to indicate Green Party membership.

4.3. Membership in the Latinx Caucus requires a commitment to its Mission Statement and organizational goals through:

(a) Participation in Latinx activities;

(b) Advocacy for the work of Latinx;

(c) Assurance of the competency of Latinx’s management;

(d) Participation in the development of Latinx’s funding base;

(e) Promote local, regional and national civic engagement in the United States and Colonies;

(f) Shape public discourse about the political process in the United States and Colonies;

(g) Encourage and support Green Party candidates with the courage to run and the capacity to win.


5.1 The Steering Committee of the Latinx Caucus shall consist of Latinx members that are recognized as Greens by whatever process used by their State Green Party or Colony.

5.2 While the SC shall be the primary decision-making body of the Latinx Caucus of the GPUS, a majority of the Latinx Caucus membership may override decisions of the SC and provide direction to the SC. At least five (5) Latinx Caucus members must request a vote to override a SC decision.

5.3 Any Latinx Caucus member may submit a proposal for consideration to the SC.

5.4 The SC has fifteen (15) officers: Four Co-Chairs, one Secretary, one Treasurer, two GPNC Delegates, one GPNC Delegate Alternate, and up to six (6) At-Large-Members elected by the Latinx Caucus. A Co-Chair of the SC can assume the duties of an unfilled or vacant position.

5.5 The Steering Committee shall oversee the primary day-to-day business and operations of the Latinx Caucus of the GPUS.


6.1 Two (2) Co-Chairs shall be elected on even-numbered years, one (1) female and one (1) male. The term of office is two years, with a limit of two consecutive terms.

6.2 Two (2) Co-Chairs shall be elected on odd-numbered years, one (1) female and one (1) male. The term of office is two years, with a limit of two consecutive terms.

6.3 All Co-Chairs are spokespersons for the Latinx Caucus and shall be responsible for planning all Latinx Caucus Steering Committee meetings, conducting Steering Committee elections, maintaining membership list and communications.

6.4 The Secretary shall be elected on even-numbered years. The term of office is two years, with no term limits.

6.5 The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping and publishing all Steering Committee meeting minutes and other Communications as requested by the Steering Committee.

6.6 The Treasurer shall be elected on odd-numbered years. The term of office is two years, with no term limits.

6.7 The Treasurer shall be responsible for the fiscal management for the Latinx Caucus and shall be the liaison to the GPUS finance Committee. The Treasurer shall provide a Quarterly Financial Report to the Latinx Caucus Steering Committee and make available an Annual Financial Statement to the Steering Committee.

6.8 The GPNC Delegates shall be elected as follows: One (1) shall be elected on even-numbered years and one (1) shall be elected on odd-numbered years. The term of office is two years, with no term limits.

6.9 The GPNC Alternate Delegate shall be elected on even-numbered years. the term of office is two years, with no term limits.

6.10 The GPNC Delegates shall represent the Latinx Caucus on the National Committee. NC Delegates are responsible for voting on proposals before the NC of the GPUS in a manner that is representative of the Latinx Caucus. They shall also be responsible for forwarding Latinx Caucus proposals to the National Committee.

6.11 NC Delegates shall keep the SC informed about relevant issues and solicit feedback from the SC. NC Delegates shall submit proposals to the NC once such proposals have been voted on by the SC or by the Latinx Caucus membership pursuant to Article 11 of these Bylaws.

6.12 The SC shall recall a NC Delegate for voting in conflict with the expressed wishes of the Latinx Caucus or for non-participation. The Alternate NC Delegate shall serve as a NC Delegate when one of the NC Delegate is unavailable or removed.

6.13 At-Large-Members shall be elected as follows: Three (3) shall be elected on even-numbered years and three (3) shall be elected on odd-numbered years, three (3) female and three (3) male. The term of office shall be two (2) years with no term limits.

6.14 At Large Members shall be liaisons between the SC and Latinx Caucus Committees as well as outside organizations that are allies of the Latinx Caucus. At Large Members shall also strive to promote the development of the Latinx Caucus Chapters in their States.

6.15 Removal of an officer from the Latinx Caucus Steering Committee for misconduct or non-participation in the SC shall require a majority vote from the SC. At least two SC members shall initiate the removal. The SC shall notify an officer facing removal charges and allow said officer seven (7) days to speak or issue a statement addressing the charges.

6.16 A former officer may run again for office on the SC if one full term has passed after the end of that persons last term.

6.17 For the purpose of calculating consecutive terms, if a candidate is elected to fill a vacancy, and that candidate has served for less than a year, it shall not count as a term under this section. If the candidate has served for one year or more, it shall count as a term.


7.1 Thirty (30) days before the Green Party Annual National Meeting, of an elections year, the Secretary shall publish a call for nominations for SC to the Latinx Caucus Listserves. The call shall contain the job description for each position, as described in Article 6 above and a copy of Article 6.

7.2 Nominations may be made by any SC member or Latinx Caucus member including self-nominations.

7.3 Nominations shall be considered made when posted to the Latinx Caucus Listserve.

7.4 The deadline for nominations shall be on the first (1) day of the Green Party’s Annual National Meeting.

7.5 Elections shall begin on the first (1) day of the Green Party’s Annual National Meeting and shall end thirty (30) days after the last day of the Green Party’s Annual National Meeting.

7.6 All elections shall be conducted on the Latinx Caucus Listserve. In order to vote for a candidate, a Latinx Caucus member shall be registered with the Latinx Caucus of the GPUS and on the Latinx Caucus Listserve.

7.7 Candidates are strongly encouraged to submit a candidate statement to the Latinx Caucus Listserve. The statement should address goals pertaining to the position sought, as its duties and responsibilities are defined, and contain a biography of relevant experiences. Candidates are encouraged to submit video material in support of their candidacy.


8.1 The Latinx Caucus SC shall strive for Consensus in decision making, with choices being “agree”, “stand aside”, “block”, or “abstain”.

8.2 The facilitator may test for consensus by asking the SC if there are any blocking concerns. if no blocking concerns are expressed then consensus is reached.

8.3 Any non-blocking concerns will be recorded with the SC minutes.

8.4 Decisions not able to be made by consensus (when a blocking concern is expressed) may proceed to a voting phase or the person submitting the proposal may request that it be tabled to a later date. A proposal must receive a majority vote (more than 50%) to pass.


9.1 The Latinx Caucus SC shall establish standing committees or ad-hoc committees in order to carry out its work and dissolve such committees according to needs.

9.2 The SC can appoint or remove members of these committees.

9.3 Committees are accountable to the Latinx Caucus SC and must have a Latinx Caucus SC member designated as a liaison to the committee.

9.4 To establish a new committee, a Mission Statement describing each committees general mission, duties and responsibilities must be approved by the SC by a two-thirds vote.

9.5 Each Committee member shall be entitled to participate in the decision-making process of the committee, including the discussion and vote on any question before the committee.

9.6 The SC may establish recommended membership criteria and experience for any committee.

9.7 Each committee appointment shall be communicated in writing, to the Secretary of the SC and to the SC Officers of the relevant committee, by the Secretary of the committee.

9.8 All committees shall have two Co-Chairs, one female and one male, who serve staggered two-year terms, unless otherwise specified by the SC. Committees are urged to provide for gender equality, balance and geographic diversity among the co-chairs and other members serving the committee.

9.9 Each committee shall have the duty and responsibilities to:

(a) Carry out its mission, duties and responsibilities as described in its Mission Statement and follow the procedures described in its Committee Rules.

(b) Report to the SC at the Annual Meeting, either orally, in writing or both, and at any other intervals as requested by the SC.

(c) Make proposals and recommendations for approval to the SC as are necessary to fulfill its mission, duties and responsibilities.

(d) Provide new committee members with training and orientation in its Committee Rules.


10.1 In addition to the GPNC Delegates the Latinx Caucus may select representatives for any standing committee of the GPNC or to outside projects, issues and campaigns.

10.2 These representatives shall be accountable and report to the Latinx Caucus SC.


11.1 A SC majority vote is required for the NC Delegates to submit a proposal to the GPNC.

11.2 A majority of Latinx Caucus members may override a SC decision to submit a proposal to the GPNC.

11.3 At least five (5) Latinx Caucus members must request a vote to override a SC decision to submit a proposal to the GPNC.


12.1 Accredited Caucuses of the GPUS are entitled to Presidential Delegates representing the Caucus at presidential nominating conventions. The GPUS allocates the Presidential Delegates.

12.2 The Latinx Caucus SC shall conduct a Presidential Delegates vote. The top vote getters will fill the allocated delegate seats.

12.3 The SC shall conduct a Presidential Delegates instruction vote in time to meet convention deadlines listing: All presidential candidates recognized by the GPUS, uncommitted, and no nominee.

12.4 Presidential Delegates instructions will instruct the Presidential Delegates on who to vote for in the first and second rounds.

12.5 Presidential Delegates instructions are only valid for the first and second rounds of voting, after which each Presidential Delegate may vote their conscience.

12.6 Selection of and instructions to Presidential Delegates shall not be considered as a Latinx Caucus endorsement of any candidate.


13.1 The SC may endorse Green Party candidates for non-presidential races that are uncontested by other Green Party candidates as well as candidates for nonpartisan offices running on the Green Party platform.

13.2 The SC may endorse non-green candidates for any office that is uncontested by Green Party candidates.

13.3 Neither the SC nor any member of the Latinx Caucus shall endorse any non-green candidate who receives money from corporations, or who is in a political party that receives money from corporations.


14.1 The Latinx Caucus shall meet at least once a year via conference call, zoom or skype video call.

14.2 All Latinx Caucus meetings shall be open to all Latinx Caucus members.

14.3 The SC will announce, plan and run the meetings.

14.4 Minutes shall be available within fourteen (14) days.

14.5 All meetings shall have a quorum of at least 50% of SC members and at least two Co-Chairs with any number of Latinx Caucus members.


15.1 A vacancy shall exist when a seat was not filled in an election; when a member has submitted a written statement of resignation to the SC; is recalled, is no longer a Green Party member, dies or becomes incapacitated to act.


16.1 The SC is empowered to adopt and to amend a Code of Ethics for the Latinx Caucus.

16.2 The SC shall implement and enforce the Code of Ethics.

16.3 The SC shall create a Code of Ethics Committee.


17.1 Membership can be suspended or terminated only under special circumstances, including persistent conduct detrimental to the goals of the Latinx Caucus.

17.2 For membership to be suspended or terminated, a complaint must be issued by a fellow member.

17.3 A subcommittee shall be convened to investigate the complaint and make a recommendation on a course of action for consideration to the SC.

17.4 Any duly enrolled member of the Latinx Caucus, as defined in these Bylaws, who has violated the Code of Ethics, shall have their enrollment in the Latinx Caucus suspended or terminated.

17.5 Any Latinx Member whose enrollment is suspended shall be barred from re-enrolling in the Latinx Caucus for a period of one (1) year from the date of said suspension.

17.6 Any Latinx Member whose enrollment is terminated shall be barred from re-enrolling in the Latinx Caucus for a period of five (5) years from the date of said termination.

17.7 The SC shall have the authority to suspend or terminate enrollment of any member found to be in violation of the Code of Ethics by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the SC.


18.1 Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by any SC member and any Latinx Caucus member.

18.2 The SC shall create a Bylaws Committee to formally review these Bylaws annually to recommend any needed changes.

18.3 Proposed amendments shall include a rationale for the proposed changes.

18.4 All proposed amendments will be voted on by the entire Latinx Caucus membership who are registered on the Latinx Caucus Listserve.

18.5 Amendments must be adopted by a majority of the Latinx Caucus membership.

18.6 Changes are effective immediately unless otherwise stipulated by the SC.


Latinx Caucus Steering Committee, Dated September 10, 2018


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  • Diana Brown
    published this page in Our Mission 2021-08-28 21:05:02 -0400