Press Room

Cuba Statement

July 17, 2021

The Latinx Caucus of the Green Party condemns the recent ruling by Texas federal Judge Andrew S. Hanen which states that Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals #DACA is illegal.
DACA was a “band aid” that does not provide a path to citizenship nor provide a solution for millions of undocumented immigrants. We call upon Congress to pass common sense immigration reform by providing a path to citizenship for all 11 million undocumented immigrants
In addition, we call upon the voters in the nine states which brought the legal action against DACA; Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina, West Virginia, Mississippi, and Kansas to clean house and vote in new leaders. 

The Waterway Is A Lifeline For The People Of Vieques And Culebra

April 9, 2021

On April 2nd while Catholics worldwide observed Good Friday, the people of Culebra and Vieques took to the streets to protest the maritime transportation system.The outcry for justice echoed “We want transportation with dignity and efficiency” “The waterway is our road, it is not luxury” and “We denounce inhumanity and unite our hands”. The islands of Culebra and Vieques are part of the archipelago of islands that constitute Puerto Rico, which has been a colony of the United States for the past 123 years.




The Latinx Caucus stands in solidarity with Amazon workers

February 15, 2021

The Latinx Caucus of the Green Party of the US
 stands in solidarity with Amazon workers seeking to unionize. It is indefensible that the largest retail company, owned by the richest man in the world, should deny its workers fair wages and a humane work environment. Amazon and companies like it will have a significant impact on how workers are treated in the cyber commerce of the future. Taking a stand now, to support workers as they demand fair and humane treatment and a living wage, will move us closer to setting a universal standard of human rights for workers.




International Day Of Solidarity With The Independence Of Puerto Rico

November 9, 2020

October 30th, 2020, marked the 70th anniversary of the Nationalist Party of Puerto Rico’s uprising in Jayuya, Puerto Rico, in 1950, against the United States Military Government, which was brutally imposed on Puerto Rico by Washington DC. The Latinx Caucus supports the decolonization and Independence of Puerto Rico as a sovereign Nation and joined the International Community in a Media Blitz to establish henceforth on that day, October 30th, “International Day of Solidarity with the Independence of Puerto”.

The National Hostosian Independence Movement, Friends of Puerto Rico Initiative, the United Independence Front, along with other organizations, kicked off the


Protect Transgender Prisoners

The Latinx Caucus of the Green Party calls for investigations into the treatment of transgender prisoners being held in ICE detention and in US jails and prisons, and for the humane treatment of all ICE detainees.

As the world suffers through this Covid-19 global pandemic that has already cost the lives of tens of thousands of victims, and is on course to claim countless more, we must cling ever tighter to our humanity. In the midst of this crisis we must continue to call out abuse on every level and demand protection and dignity for all. It is with this in mind that we speak out now to stand in solidarity with all immigrants who are asking nothing more than to live their lives in peace and security, and in particular transgender immigrants who often face another level of


Statement on Bolivia

December 3, 2019

In response to the abuses that have been perpetrated by the illegitimate government of Jeanine Anez, that took power in Bolivia in a coup de tat perpetrated by a cabal of the military and the wealthy elite, the Latinx Caucus of the Green Party of the US calls on the OAS, the US government, the United Nations, and all governments of the region to be vigilant in support of democracy. Upcoming elections must be fair and honest. We further call for a halt to the renewed persecution and violence against indigenous people in Bolivia. Since the coup 17 pro-Morales protesters have been killed by the police and about 150 have been injured.

MAS, Movimiento al Socialismo, the political party led by ousted president Evo Morales must be allowed to continue to be a voice of the people and to continue to carry



Statement on the Shootings in El Paso Texas

 August 5, 2019

The Latinx Caucus of the Green Party expresses our deepest sympathy to the victims of the deplorable shooting in El Paso Texas and their families.

This shooting, yet another senseless act of violence that is part of an ongoing epidemic of gun violence, was focused towards Latinx who have repeatedly been vilified by President Donald Trump. The rhetoric of the President made the terrible violence that occurred in El Paso not just likely but inevitable. This was the inevitable result of a relentless dehumanizing of Latinx including those seeking safety at our southern border, those seeking to rebuild and strengthen their communities in Puerto Rico, and those seeking to share in the "American Dream" through fair access to education and jobs.


A Call For Support For The Live Broadcast Of The UN Open Hearings On Puerto Rico

  • United Nations Hearings On The Decolonization Of Puerto Rico, June 24, 2019.
  • From Puerto Rico To Palestine, Colonialism Is A Crime!

Latinx Caucus of the Green Party of the United States  – Every year the United Nations holds hearings on the Decolonization of Puerto Rico during which individuals, groups and organizations from Puerto Rico, the United States, and other countries testify in support of decolonization and for the independence of Puerto Rico. We are grateful to the UN, to Keisha Anita McGuire and the UN Committee of 24, (that deals with Colonized Nations under domination of Colonizers), for holding these very important


Latinx Greens demonstrate in defense of Venezuelan consulate in New York

March 21, 2019

In response to the seizure of the Venezuelan consulate in New York (Monday 3/18/2019) by allies of self-declared leader Juan Guaido, members of the Green Party's Latinx Caucus joined other demonstrators in defense of Venezuela and of international diplomatic law.

Greens from the Latinx Caucus along with allies from "A Call to Action on Puerto Rico" had been engaged in a rally for the Independence of Puerto Rico at the United Nations when word came that Guaido's supporters had seized Venezuela's diplomatic properties in Washington and New York.




Statement of Central American Refugee Caravan

September 26, 2018

The Latinx Caucus of the Green Party of the United States calls on all Americans to take a stand for justice and compassion and to take responsibility for the human rights crisis created by decades of abusive and exploitative American foreign policy. We must allow the refugees flooding out of Central America to apply for political asylum.

Thousands of Central American refugees are marching to the United States-Mexico border in the hope that they will be able to apply for political asylum.This march started in Honduras on October 13, 2018, with about 600 Hondurans, consisting of  


Latinx Caucus of the Green Party Statement on Immigrant Rights and Family Separations

July 18, 2018

The Latinx Caucus of the Green Party joins the chorus of condemnations of the egregious human rights violations that continue to be perpetrated at the US Mexico border and which have spread throughout America. Through his administration’s hateful policies towards people of color President Donald Trump has shown himself unfit to govern. In removing kids from their mothers and fathers to incarcerate them in “tender age” shelters as a “deterrent” to immigration the Trump administration ignores basic principles of human rights.










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  • Diana Brown
    published this page 2021-08-29 18:42:23 -0400